Summary: Early Development
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Read the summary and the most important questions on Early Development
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What was watson idea about nurture and nature
He said that it was all nurture; kinderen zijn allemaal op dezelfde manier geboren, de omgeving vormt het kind tot een bepaald persoon -
Where was watson's idea an example of
Behaviorism; the environment is the supreme force in child development -
Which example did we see where environment influences expression of our biology
The example of the bees;Only determined by the diet, not by the DNA. The bees have the same DNA but get different yelly > this influences the expression of our biologyRange of reaction; biology gives a range of developmental possibilities.
Why is it nature AND nurture instead of VS.
- Question is not whether biological OR environmental factors are more important
- But how expression of our biology is shaped the environment we meet (programming) -
What does the DOHahd hypothesis entail
exposure to certain environmental influences during critical or sensitive periods of development may have significant consequences on an individual’s short and long-term health. -
What is needed to study gene-environment contributions to individuals differences;
1. Adoption studies; compare characteristics of adopted children with those of both their adoptive and biological parents
2. Twin studies; compare the similarities between identical and fraternal twins reared together or apart. -
What is the difference between the chorionic arrangements;
A. Dichorionic twins; separate placentas and separate fetal circulations. Can be identical or fraternal twins
B. Monochrionic twins; one placenta and one fetal circulation. Can only be identical twins.
Identical twins can thus be monochorionic (MC) or dichorionic (DC). -
Greater concordance for MC identical twins than for DC identical twins on;
1. IQ scores
2. Personality scores
3. Schizophrenia
4. Physiological measures. -
What is the case of abby and brittany hensel
Conjoined twins -
Give a summary of things learned in lecture 1
· Our biology and environment interact, shaping our development
· The first 1000 days play an important role in development
· Probable that twin studies underestimated the influence of the prenatal environment
· More about the prenatal environment
- Higher grades + faster learning
- Never study anything twice
- 100% sure, 100% understanding
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