Methodology | Laassonen | Erasmus University Rotterdam

- 2015 - 2016 - International Business Administration - bachelor - University - Rotterdam
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Summaries and test questions belonging to Methodology, taught by Laassonen | Erasmus University Rotterdam

Summary Research methods for business students Book cover image

Research Methods For Business Students

- Mark Saunders, et al
ISBN-10 0273716867 ISBN-13 9780273716860
397 Flashcards & Notes
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Research Methods For Business

75 Flashcards & Notes
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Chapter 6 - Negotiating Access And Research Ethics

25 Flashcards & Notes
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Chapter 5 - Formulating The Research Design

20 Flashcards & Notes
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Neuman Chapter 8 - Experimental Research

19 Flashcards & Notes
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Chapter 11 - Collecting Primary Data Using Questionnaires

14 Flashcards & Notes
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Chapter 7 - Selecting Samples

12 Flashcards & Notes
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Chapter 8 - Using Secondary Data

11 Flashcards & Notes
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Chapter 9 - Collecting Primary Data Through Observation

9 Flashcards & Notes
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1. The Nature Of Business And Management Research

8 Flashcards & Notes
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Chapter 10 - Collecting Primary Data Using Interviews

7 Flashcards & Notes
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0 Flashcards & Notes
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