Negotiation, Mediation and Conflict Resolution | VU University Amsterdam

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Summaries and test questions belonging to Negotiation, Mediation and Conflict Resolution, taught by VU University Amsterdam

Study material generic cover image

Negotiation, Mediation And Conflict Resolution

26 Flashcards & Notes
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Restorative Justice, A Child's Right

14 Flashcards & Notes
Summary An Asian Perspective on Mediation Book cover image

An Asian Perspective On Mediation

- Joel Lee, et al
ISBN-10 9810829973 ISBN-13 9789810829971
13 Flashcards & Notes
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Mediating Commitments

8 Flashcards & Notes
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Retributive And Restorative Justice

8 Flashcards & Notes
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Culture As Context, Culture As Communication: Considerations For Humanitarian Negotiators

7 Flashcards & Notes
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Culture, Conflict, And Mediation In The Asian Pacific

- Bruce E Barnes
ISBN-13 9780761834458
6 Flashcards & Notes
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Victim-Offender Mediation And Reduced Reoffending: Gauging The Self-Selection Bias

5 Flashcards & Notes
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