Identity - Class

6 important questions on Identity - Class

Mention three ways in which class division expresses itself.

They have different sets of attitudes and daily habits. They eat different food at different times of day (and call the meals by different names); they talk about different topics and they enjoy different pastimes and sports. They have different values in life and different ideas about the correct way to behave. The clearest indication of class is the difference in the use and pronunciation of English. There is a distinct difference in grammar and vocabulary used by, for instance working class or upper class people.

How come the class system has never been swept away by a revolution?

It is very flexible. You can buy, marry or work your way up, so that your children will belong to a higher social class than you do. 

How/where is the class system in Britain still visible? (6)

because of it's flexibility. It is visible in:
1. Food and name of the meal
2. Topics in conversations
3. Style and accents
4. Pastimes and sports
5. Values in life
6. The way to behave
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Which determines someone's class?

Of course, wealth is a part of it. But it is not possible to guess a person's class just by looking at the clothes, car of bank balance. The most obvious sign comes when a person opens his mouth, giving clues to the speaker's attitudes and interests.

What is inverted snobbery?

It is a phenomenon whereby middle class people try to adopt working-class values and habits, because they believe that the working classes are in some way better (more honest). People do not want to be thought of as snobbish. The word 'posh' (meaning: 'of a class higher than the one I belong to')  has a negative connotation: being distant and pretentious.

What is a Cockney?

Anyone born within the sounds of the Bow bells. Which means the bells of the church of St. Mary-le-Bow in the city of London. 
Cockney is also used to describe a strong London accent, which is mostly associated with working-class origins. 

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