Country and peolple - The dominance of England

4 important questions on Country and peolple - The dominance of England

Why are many aspects of everyday life organised according to English custom?

Because England was able to assert her economic and military power over the other three nations.

What is the total population of Britain?

60.6 million (England: 50.8  Scotland: 5.1  Wales: 3.0  Northern Ireland: 1.7)

Name examples of English domination in the UK

  • The systems of politics in all four nations is of English origin
  • English is the main language for alle four nations
  • The supply of money in Britain is controlled by the Bank of England (there is no 'Bank of Britain')
  • The name of the Queen Elizabeth II (Scotland and Northern Ireland never had Elizabeth I)
  • The common use of the term 'Anglo' in referral to GB (in e.g. Anglo-American relations)
  • Names of newspapers and organisations (one adds "Scottish" or "Welsh" to it) 
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How come that England managed to achieve the political unification, although there was no mutual agreement?

England was able to assert her economic and military power over the other three nations.

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