The monarchy - The role of the monarch

4 important questions on The monarchy - The role of the monarch

Name three roles of the British Monarch.

1. She is the personal embodyment of the government of the country but there is a clear separation between her and the real government, so the real government can be critisised without threatening the stability of the country. 2. The monarch can be a final check on the government, because she can dismiss a dictatorial prime minister or refuse to assent a bad law. 3. she has an important ceremonial role, being the figurehead and representative of the country.

What is the Honours List?

The people whose names appear on the list will be honoured by the Queen as a reward for some service. They can get a title such as:
  • KG - Knight of the Order of the Garter;
  • KCB - Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath;
  • MBE - Member of the British Empire.

There are 3 distinctive roles for the monarch:

1. personal embodiment of the government of the country
2. the monarch is a possible final check on a government that is becoming dictatorial
3. can perform ceremonial duties so the real government has more time to actually do their job by running the country.
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What are the three roles of the Monarch?

  1. She is the personal embodiment of the government. People can be as nasty as they like about the government without threatening the stability of the country.
  2. She is the possible final check of a government which is becoming too dictatorial.
  3. Figure head and representative of the country. 

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