The monarchy - The future of the monarchy

4 important questions on The monarchy - The future of the monarchy

Does the queen pay tax on her income? If so, on what part. Why?

Yes she does since the 90's on her private income, due to the public pressure which at the time thought it to be unfair for her and other royals to be very rich and not pay any taxes.

What was the story of Edward and Mrs Simpson?

Edward was forced to give up the throne because he wanted to marry a woman who had divorced two husbands. The government and the major churches in the country insisted that Edward could not marry her and remain king. He chose to marry her.

What is the story of Edward and Mrs Simpson?

The people in Britain have wanted their monarch to show high moral standards. In 1936, Edward VIII was forced to abdicate the thrown because he wanted to marry a woman who had divorced two husbands and she was American. He had to choose between marrying her and remaining king. He chose to marry her and the couple went live abroad. In spite of the constitutional crisis, the couple remained celebrities in Britain all their lives and seen as an example of the power of romance.
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Why did the Queen speak of 1992 as an annus horribilis?

A fire damaged Windsor Castle, one of the queen’s favourite homes.

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