The monarchy - The value of the monarchy

6 important questions on The monarchy - The value of the monarchy

What is a life peerage?

It is the uninheritable title of an appointed member of the peerage, nowadays always of baronial rank. The holders of the title can take seat in the House of Lords.

What is the value of the monarchy for the people of Britain today?

The real importance of the British monarchy is probably less to do with the system of government and more to do with social psychology and economics. The monarchy gives British people a symbol of continuity and a harmless outlet for expressions of national pride.

What is the economic importance of the monarchy in Britain?

Tourist brochures for Britain usually give great prominence to the monarchy. The British royal family and the events and buildings associated with the monarchy help the tourist industry very much.
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What is the economic argument when discussing the value of the monarchy?

The economic argument is that the royal family is said to bring  a lot of money into the country, because tourists love the grandeur of the monarchy and the ceremonial events that come with it(everyday events like the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace, but also the state opening of the Parliament and Royal weddings) .

Why was Edward VIII forced to abdicate?

Because he wanted to marry a woman  who had devorced twice and on top of that she was not even an aristocrat. By marrying her he did not live up to the high moral standards monarchs were supposed to have, particularly in those days.

How has the British monarchy dealt with its declining popularity? Give at least two concrete examples.

Being aware of the public perception the Queen has become a  bit less grand and a little less distant. She has opened parts of Buckingham Palace and Winsor Castle for public visitors. Also she has cooperated in the making of several TV documentaries about her everyday life.

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