The Media - The characteristics of national press: politics

3 important questions on The Media - The characteristics of national press: politics

How are politics presented in the national newspapers?

Although different papers have different political  outlooks, none of the large newspapers is an organ of a political party. They express their opinions about policies, but never refer to them by we/us. 

Why is the press sometimes referred as 'The Fourth Estate'?

Because the press is so powerful. They are funded by large multinationals and are free from government influence. Still they reach a broad public, so they have a wide range of influence.

How is the press controlled?

It is mostly controlled by a rather small number of extremely large multinational companies; this means, it has freedom from interference from government influence, which is virtually abbsolute. The press is so powerful in this respect that it is sometimes referred to as the fourth estate (the other three are the monarch, the Commons and the Lords). This freedom is assisted by a general feeling that freedom of speech is a basis constitutional right. 

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