The government - Local government

4 important questions on The government - Local government

What is the local government?

They are also known as councils. There are elected representatives called councillors who meet in Town Hall or County Hall where they make policy which is implemented by local government officers (equivalent of civil servants).

Local government services include:
  • public hygiene and environmental health inspections;
  • rubbish collection;
  • cleaning and tidying of all public places;
  • provision of public swimming pools and sports centers, etc.

Local councils are allowed to collect one tax; which one?

The council tax which is based on the value of property. However, there is not enough to provide all public services because sometimes governments impose upper limits on council taxes and collect the taxes on business properties themselves. Therefore, more than half of a local council's income is given to it by central government.

What are the two ideas to redress the balance of power? Why are they considered not a good idea?

  1. To allow local councils to collect a local income tax.
  2. The idea of an elected mayor. This idea did not receive much support because there was an election won in Hartlepool by 'H'Angus the monkey', whose only policy was free bananas for schools.
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What 5 services are assigned to local government?

  1. Public hygiene
  2. Environmental health inspection
  3. Rubbish collection (done by ‘dustmen’)
  4. Cleaning and tidying of all public places (done by ‘street sweepers’)
  5. Public libraries

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