Epidemiology and Public Health - Public Health and Infectious Diseases

14 important questions on Epidemiology and Public Health - Public Health and Infectious Diseases

What is one way that improvements in water cleanliness and food preservation have impacted human diseases?

- Decreased transmission of pathogens
- Reduced spread of diseases
- Lowered infection rates

How does disease control differ between vehicle-borne pathogens and airborne pathogens?

- Vehicle-borne pathogens are easier to control
- Airborne pathogens are harder to control

What makes disease control easier when domestic animals act as reservoirs compared to wild animals?

- Control is easier with domestic animals
- Domestic animals are easier to manage and monitor
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What is the most effective method for disease control, as shown by the example of smallpox eradication?

The most effective method for disease control, as demonstrated by the successful eradication of smallpox, is vaccination. Through a global vaccination campaign, people were protected from the virus, leading to the eventual elimination of the disease. Vaccines help boost immunity and prevent the spread of viruses, making them a key tool in disease control efforts.

Name some examples of diseases that have vaccines available.

- Smallpox, diptheria, tetanus, pertussis, measles, rubella, poliomyelitis

What significant event in the 1990s impacted vaccination numbers and resulted in large disease outbreaks?

- Measles vaccine conspiracy in 1990s
- Decreased vaccination numbers leading to outbreaks

How is isolation used in the context of disease control?

- Isolation involves separating infected individuals
- It helps prevent further spread of diseases

What does quarantine involve in the context of public health and infectious disease management?

- Quarantine separates exposed individuals
- It helps contain potential disease spread

List some diseases that warrant isolation and quarantine measures.

- Smallpox, Cholera, Plague, Yellow fever, typhoid fever, relapsing fever

Which disease is the only one that has been completely eradicated?

- Smallpox is the only eradicated disease
- It was successfully eliminated globally

What contributed to the successful eradication of smallpox in the 1980s?

- Aggressive vaccinations and quarantining
- Global efforts resulted in eradication

Why is polio considered a good candidate for eradication efforts?

- Low number of cases (18 in 2018)
- Eradication efforts have been successful

What type of candidate is syphilis for disease eradication?

- Syphilis is a good bacteria candidate
- Treatable with antibiotics

Are the discussed diseases human-only diseases? Explain.

- Yes, all are human-only diseases
- They do not infect animals

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