Microbial ecology and environmental microbiology - Selective Single-Cell Isolation: Laser Tweezers, Flow Cytometry, Microfluidics, and High-Throughput Methods

3 important questions on Microbial ecology and environmental microbiology - Selective Single-Cell Isolation: Laser Tweezers, Flow Cytometry, Microfluidics, and High-Throughput Methods

Every microbe has a fundamental niche and a realized niche. What does this mean?

The fundamental niche of a microbe refers to the entire range of environmental conditions where the microbe can survive and reproduce. The realized niche is the actual narrower range of conditions where the microbe is found in nature due to interactions with other organisms or environmental factors. It's like the potential versus actual habitat where the microbe can successfully exist.

Explain what the Lazer tweezers are doing with the microbes

Laser tweezers manipulate microbes for research and study their behavior and interactions in controlled environment.

Explain what Flow cytometry is used for in microbiology

Flow cytometry is a technique used in microbiology to analyze and sort cells based on their physical and chemical characteristics. It is commonly used to study microbial populations, quantify cell size and complexity, assess cell viability, and identify different cell types in a sample. Flow cytometry helps researchers understand the composition and behavior of microbial communities, making it a valuable tool in microbiology research.

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