Microbial Symbioses with Humans - Overview of the Human Microbiome

7 important questions on Microbial Symbioses with Humans - Overview of the Human Microbiome

What is the human microbiome, and why is it essential for our existence?

The human microbiome consists of microorganisms distributed across body sites, influencing health and disease predisposition. Our very existence depends on the microbiome's impact on the immune system, overall health, and disease susceptibility.

What are the clinical benefits of knowing a person's microbiome, and what challenges exist in understanding cause-and-effect relationships?

Clinical benefits include biomarker development, personalized drug therapies, and tailored probiotics. Challenges arise as a person's microbiota responds to activities, health, and diet, making cause-and-effect relationships complex and not immediately obvious.

How has advanced nucleic acid sequencing contributed to studying the human microbiome, and why is cultivation still important?

Advanced nucleic acid sequencing allows robust microbial diversity studies. Cultivation remains essential to study microorganisms not readily cultured. Longitudinal studies using omics tools explore the microbiome's influence on diseases like obesity, diabetes, and inflammatory bowel disease.
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Describe the snapshot of the human microbiome in terms of bacterial composition across heavily colonized body sites.

Different body sites (skin, oral, urogenital, gastrointestinal) have diverse microbial communities. Gram-positive bacteria dominate the skin and urogenital tract, while gram-negative bacteria dominate the gastrointestinal tract. The diversity varies at higher taxonomic levels.

What is the individuality and resilience of microbial communities in the human microbiome, and how do disturbances affect them?

Microbial communities exhibit individuality and resilience. An adult-like gut microbiome develops uniquely within three years of birth and shows plasticity, responding to disturbances like diet changes or antibiotic therapy. After disturbance removal, the unique microbiome tends to reemerge.

Why is the gut microbiome highlighted, and how does it influence an individual's overall health?

The gut microbiome is heavily colonized and significantly influences an individual's overall health. Specific microbes' absence or presence in the gut may play a major role in health or disease.

What role does the human microbiome play in the development of the immune system and overall health later in life?

Gut microbes, once considered commensals, are critical for the development of the immune system and overall health later in life. Recognition of this role has led to extensive research programs examining the human microbiome.

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