Molecular Information Flow and Protein Processing - Transcription in Archaea and Eukarya

9 important questions on Molecular Information Flow and Protein Processing - Transcription in Archaea and Eukarya

Most important recognition sequence in archaeal and eukaryotic promoters?

TATA box 6-8 base pair
Located 18-27 nucleotides upstream of transcriptional start site

Upstream of TATA box and is recognized by the archaeal transcription factor B (TFB).

B Recognition element (BRE)

Alteration in the transcript of genes

RNA processing
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RNA molecule originally transcribed before the introns are removed to form the mature mRNA containing only exons

Primary transcript

Removal of introns and joining of exons.

RNA splicing

Macromolecular complex containing both RNA and protein that aids in RNA splicing


Processing is catalyzed by a special ribonuclease rather than by spliceosome complex that acts like introns in archaea

Archaeal introns

A process where the methylatedguanine nucleotide is added at the 5′-phosphate end of the mRNA in eukaryotes


Trimming the 3′ end of the primary transcript and adding 100–200 adenine residues, called the poly(A) tail


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