Vectorborne and soilborne bacterial and viral diseases - West Nile Fever

4 important questions on Vectorborne and soilborne bacterial and viral diseases - West Nile Fever

Describe the transmission of West Nile Virus and its impact on bird and human hosts.

WNV is transmitted through mosquito vectors, primarily Culex quinquefasciatus. It causes fatal systemic viral infections in birds but only mild or asymptomatic cases in humans, who are dead-end hosts for the virus.

What are the clinical symptoms associated with West Nile fever in humans, and how do severe cases manifest?

West Nile fever symptoms include headache, nausea, muscle pain, rash, lymphadenopathy, and malaise. Severe cases (less than 1%) may lead to neurological complications such as encephalitis or meningitis, with a 5% fatality rate.

Discuss the control measures and preventive strategies for West Nile Fever.

Control includes insect repellents, tight-fitting clothing, mosquito breeding ground removal, and limited effectiveness of mosquito spraying. A veterinary vaccine is available for horses, but there is no human WNV vaccine.
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• Identify the vector and reservoir for West Nile virus.

The vector for West Nile virus is primarily mosquitoes, with the Culex species being the most common transmitter. The reservoir for the virus includes birds, especially corvids like crows and jays, which play a key role in the transmission cycle. Mosquitoes become infected by feeding on infected birds and can then transmit the virus to other animals, including humans.

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