Côte d'Or, Côte Challoinnaise & Maconnais - Vineyard Classification - The Mâconnais

3 important questions on Côte d'Or, Côte Challoinnaise & Maconnais - Vineyard Classification - The Mâconnais

What are the appellations in the Mâconnais? Which style of wine are produced?

Mostly white
  • Mâcon AOC
    • red, rosé, small amount of white
  • Mâcon-Villages AOC - Mâcon + named village
    • white only
  • Named village appellations
    • e.g. Pouilly-Fuissé AOC, Saint-Véran AOC etc.
    • in final stage of formalising premier cru status for the best sites in villages like Pouilly-Fuissée

In Mâcon Villages and Mâcon plus named village, which style of wines are produced? Name two named village appellations.

White wines only
Mâcon Lugny and Mâcon Solutré

In the Mâconnais some separately named village appellations almost gain Premier cru status. Which are these and can you tell about the quality?

  • Pouilly-Fuissé AOC,
  • Saint-Véran AOC
  • Viré-Clessé AOC
  • and much smaller Pouilly- Vinzelles AOC,
  • Pouilly-Loché AOC

Quality difference due to location: For
  • Pouilly Fuisse example, grapes can ripen more fully in the amphitheatre of Fuissé due to better sunlight interception and good drainage.

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