Beaujolais - Wine Business
4 important questions on Beaujolais - Wine Business
Name some facts of the Wine Business in Beaujolais; property size, export market, trading market, large producers.
- Average size is 10 ha
- Growers selling to coops (25% of sales) or négociants (George Duboeuf).
- 40% export; top three - Japan, USA and UK (60% of total).
- 60% domestic; direct sales, wines shops, retail, hospitality
Are co-operatives and négociants important in Beaujolais
How Cru's of the Beaujolais become more popular
- rise of the prices Burgundian Pinot Noir
- Beaujolais similar style for lower prices
- sommeliers and winelovers discover the quality
- Higher grades + faster learning
- Never study anything twice
- 100% sure, 100% understanding
Beaujolais producer who is big promoter Beaujolais Nouvea
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