Tuscany - Denominations, wine law and regulations - Chianti Classico DOCG

5 important questions on Tuscany - Denominations, wine law and regulations - Chianti Classico DOCG

What is the best location for Chianti Classico and why?

  • The hilly area between Florence and Siena, best wines typically from 200–500m above sea level.
  • The elevation contributes to cool nights, lengthening the growing season and promoting full ripeness and high acidity.
  • Soils here are schistous, crumbly rock with clay, and marl (known as galestro), calcareous soils with clay (known as alberese) and sandstone and sandy soils.

Chianti Classico DOCG has Galestro and Alberese soils, what is so special about this?

  • Galestro soils are schistous, crumbly rock with clay, and marl (known as galestro),
  • Alberese is calcareous soil with clay
  • Other soils are sandstone and sandy soils.

  • The soils combine good drainage with sufficient water-holding capacity.
  • Galestro is said to give aromatic wines with the potential to age.
  • Soils with more clay are said to give wines with more structure and body.
  • Some work on the hillsides has to be done by hand, raising costs.

What are the legislations for DOCG Chianti Classico?

  • From the hilly area between Florence and Siena
  • Min 80% Sangiovese
  • No whites permitted
  • Max. 52,5/hl
  • Release October year after harvest (cost)
  • Riserva 2 years ageing
  • Not allowed to call it DOCG Chianti.
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What is the traditional style of Chianti Classico?

  • Paler colour, sour cherry fruit from dominant Sangiovese grapes, restrained new oak.
  • The wines are typically medium flavour intensity, with some pronounced examples. Prices range from mid-price to premium, with quality ranging from very good to outstanding.
  • There are numerous significant producers including Fontodi and Castello di Ama.

What does Chianti Classico Gran Selezione promote?

  • The top tier of Chianti Classico
  • a new designation set in 2013,
  • Single vineyard or an estate owned by the producer.
  • Aged for a minimum of 30 months (no requirement to age in wood).

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