Chile - Principal Wine Regions - Coquimbo

3 important questions on Chile - Principal Wine Regions - Coquimbo

Coquimbo wine region Chile

  • Most northerly
    • Elqui
    • Limari
    • Choapa
  • low latitude > hot summers and intense sunlight
  • cooling influence Pacific Ocean essential
  • Humboldt Current
    • morning fogs and cooling breezes
  • 100 mm rainfall/y > irrigation needed > Andes (though less snow - less water nowadays)

Elqui Valley in Coquimbo, Chile

  • Northernmost of Chile's wine regions
  • follows River Elqui from Andes to coast
  • lack of coastal mountains - route river > fog can reach further inland
  • Chile's highest vineyards (up to 2.200 m)
  • Syrah (and other Rhône varieties) and SB

Limari in Coquimbo, Chile

  • 100 km south of Elqui
  • Limari river
  • narrow, steeply- sided valley though coastal mountains
  • west cooled by morning fog and cool breezes
  • unusual for Chile > pockets of calcareous soils
    • > Chardonnay

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