Introduction to Italy - Wine laws and regulation

4 important questions on Introduction to Italy - Wine laws and regulation

Italy's DOC since 1967 in place was based on which law system? What was the alternative and what wines did this include?

  • Based on French AOC Law
  • Alternative Vino da Tavola (later IGT) for:
  • Super Tuscans; Sassicaia (later DOC Bolgheri)
  • Wines not conform DOC rules i.e. 100% Sangioves, DOC Chianti Classico requires blend incl. White grapes.

What is the difference between DOC and DOCG in Italy?

  • DOCG stricter rules; lower yield
  • Used for the more prestigious wine regions

Certain legally defined labelling terms are used for DOC and DOCG in Italy, which are included?

  • Classico; exclusively from grapes growing in defined historical area
  • Superiore: higher minim alcohol, 0.5% abv
  • Riserva: certain ageing period,
    • at least 2 years for red
    • 1 year for white
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IGT in Italy stands for? When was it introduced and what is defined?

  • In 1992, Italy introduced the category of IGT (Indicazione Geografica Tipica), corresponding to the French Vin de Pays, now PGI.
  • For wines from a defined but larger geographical area,
  • wider choice of grape variety and styles,
  • with higher yields than DOC or DOCG wines.
  • 25% of Italy's production

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