Diversity and Cross-Cultural Adjustments - Key terms

5 important questions on Diversity and Cross-Cultural Adjustments - Key terms

Cultural tightness–looseness

The strength of social norms and the level of sanctioning within societies.

Culturally endorsed implicit leadership theory (CLT)

A theory that identifies leadership behaviors perceived as effective and ineffective across cultures.

Generation Xers, or gen Xers

Born between 1965 and 1980; sometimes referred to as the “baby busters” or “latchkey kids”.
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Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) project

A large-scale research program that sought to understand differences in leader behaviors and relationships with relevant organizational outcomes worldwide.

Reverse culture shock

The distress experienced by an expatriate when they assimilate to a foreign culture and have trouble adjusting to their native culture when they return home.

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