A New Retreat? - The Rise of Authoritarianism

3 important questions on A New Retreat? - The Rise of Authoritarianism

What political structure was losing ground? What political structure was emerging?

- Political democracy was unquestionably losing ground in many parts of the world under the strain of economic uncertainty and, arguably, weak leadership from the democratic societies themselves.
- The expansion of authoritarianism was impressive and it had direct impact on key aspects of globalization.

What did resurgent authoritarianism led to?

- Resurgent authoritarianism led to many measures against international agencies, including groups seeking to promote democracy and human rights.
- Russian law made it virtually impossible for international NGOs like Amnesty International to operate.

How did gay rights relate to globalization?

Global gay rights raised issues beyond the authoritarian-liberal divide, but it serve to illustrate the kind of complication that new political divisions in the world posed for what some groups hoped to establish as new global standards.

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