Aggregate Demand - Government policies and Aggregate Demand - Monetary Policy

4 important questions on Aggregate Demand - Government policies and Aggregate Demand - Monetary Policy

What happens if the quantity of money in the hands of households and firms changes?

Lets find out

Who controls the quantity of money in circulation?

the quantity of money in circulation is largely determined by the decisions of the central bank created by the government

  • what happens when the central bank decreases the quantity of money in circulation?

  • when the central bank increases the quantity of money in circulation
    • households an firms have less money,
    • which leads them to borrow more and lend less
    • this effect is to increase interest rate any aggregate price level,
    • leading to a reduces investment spending and higher consumer spending
    • shifting the aggregate demand curve to the left
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How does monetary policy increase/decrease the aggregate demand

Increasing the quantity of money shifts aggregate demand curve to the right
reducing the quantity of money shifts aggregate demand curve to the left

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