Packages and Namespaces - Package Stereotypes - Miscellaneous Stereotypes of Packages

4 important questions on Packages and Namespaces - Package Stereotypes - Miscellaneous Stereotypes of Packages

What does the stereotype <<MODELLIBRARY>> indicates?

The stereotype «MODELLIBRARY» indicates that the majority of its contents are used by other Packages or models.

The «modelLibrary» will be marked a  ....  what?

The «modelLibrary» will be marked a publicly visible and potentially «imported» into the top-level Package—Ensuring visibility and accessibility by all of the system’s Packages.

What does a <<FRAMEWORK>> contains?

Similar to a «modelLibrary», a «FRAMEWORK» contains the infrastructure and architectural Elements shared my many of the other system Packages.
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Although PROFILES (and their associated PROFILE DIAGRAMS) are not included in the Foundational level of the OCUP-2 examinations, you need to know their purpose and use.

What are Profiles?

Profiles are similar to the standard Package except for the Profile stereotype.

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