Packages and Namespaces - Packages and Visibility - Package Member Visibility

8 important questions on Packages and Namespaces - Packages and Visibility - Package Member Visibility

In all the representations of Packages and their members shown above, we can precede the member name with a visibility indicator.

The allowed visibility adornment is based on the visibility adornments allowed on the members of a ...?


The visibility signs immediately precede the member name, usually after any  ...?

The visibility signs immediately precede the member name, usually after any stereotype.

We demonstrate this in Fig. 8.7, showing how it works with the three alternative member depiction approaches (physically placed inside, member list, or  approaches).


Which Visibility Notations are there in packages?

Visibility Notation in Packages
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What is the  Visibility Notation :  Public   +   ?

A member with public visibility is visible to all elements that can access the contents of the Package (or Namespace) that owns it

What is the  Visibility Notation :  Package   ~  ?

A member with Package visibility is visible within the nearest enclosing Package (given that any intermediate owning Elements have proper visibility). Outside the nearest enclosing Package, a NamedElement marked as having Package visibility is not visible

Not allowed on Packages or Elements directly owned by Packages

What is the  Visibility Notation :  Protected   #  ?

A member with protected visibility is visible to Elements that have a generalization relationship to the Namespace that owns it

Not allowed on Packages or Elements directly owned by Packages.
Packages do not support generalization/specializations

Which two Visiblitys are  Not allowed on Packages or Elements directly owned by Packages ?

- Package
- Protected

The interplay of the UML visibility notation in Packages is sometimes difficult to follow.

Consider Fig. 8.8 and the associated Table 8.2.

Try to read this figure

Visibility of Package Elements

It is easy to construct complicated visibility situations.

Table 8.2 illustrates the scope of visibility for some typical examples.

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