Democracy and legitimacy - Legitimacy and political stability - Legitimizing power
9 important questions on Democracy and legitimacy - Legitimacy and political stability - Legitimizing power
What are the three types of legitimacy that Max Weber identified and what do they mean?
2) Charismatic = because of the persons personality
3) Legal-rational = links to a clearly and legally defined set of rules
What are the systems of domination (Weber)?
Three ideal types to make sense of the nature of political rule:
- Traditional authority
- Charismatic authority
- Legal-rational authority
Why is traditional authority regarded as legitimate?
Fixed and unquestioned customs.
In tribes or small groups in the form of patriarchalism (domination of the father) and gerontacracy (rule of the aged).
( Constitutional form helps to shape political culture by keeping alive values).
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Why is charismatic authority regarded as legitimate domination?
(Napoleon, Hitler, Mussolini, Castro etc.)
What are the two consequences when you have charismatic authority?
What are two consequences of charismatic authority?
- It is difficult for a system of personal rule to outlive its founding figure, as the system is so closely linked to him/her.
Which conditions of legitimate power did Beetham put up?
Why is legal-rational authority regarded as legitimate?
Downside: more depersonalized and inhuman social environment.
What are the three conditions that need to be fulfilled according to Beetham for power to be legitimate?
2. These rules must be justified in terms of the shared beliefs of the government and the governed.
3. Legitimacy must be demonstrated by an expression of consent on the part of the governed.
Two key features of the legitimation process:
- Existence of elections and party competition (system through which popular consent can be exercised).
- The existence of constitutional rules that broadly reflect how people feel they should be governed.
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