Strategic Human Resource Management and Context - illustration of general and population environments in practice

6 important questions on Strategic Human Resource Management and Context - illustration of general and population environments in practice

What is the difference between Deephouse's general and population environment?

The general environment is the macro environment that influence all organizations.

The population environment is the sector or branche a company is active in. This environment influences the company the most.

What are the five types of fit in HRM?

1. Strategic fit or vertical fit
2. Internal fit or horizontal fit
3. Organizational fit
4. Environmental or institutional fit
5. Person - environment fit

Strategic choice (Child) --> two types

  • Hyper determinism: the situation in which an organization has absolutely no leeway for strategic choice, because the chaises are determined by the contextual conditions.

  • Hyper voluntarism: an organization is free to do whatever the organisation wants to do. There are no restrictions for strategic decision making.
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What is internal/horizontal fit and what are the three most important practices?

Internal/horizontal fit means the fit between HR practices.

This is mainly through:
- Recruitment and selection
- Socialized (relationships ?)
- Training and rewarded system

What is the difference between organizational and environmental fit?

- Organizational;
the necessary fit between HR strategy, policies and practices and other organizational systems. In other words: alignment between HR practices and other organizational systems.

- Environmental/institutional fit;
Focussed on the link between HR strategy and the institutional environment of an organization.

What is an HR system?

An HR system is a coherent and consistent set of HR practices that together results in a higher organizational performance than the sum of the sets seperately. A system strengthens the HR philosophy and strategy in its organization.

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