Internet Social media & networks | Rense cortens

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Summaries and test questions belonging to Internet Social media & networks, taught by Rense cortens

Summary Web Social Science Concepts, Data and Tools for Social Scientists in the Digital Age Book cover image

Web Social Science Concepts, Data And Tools For Social Scientists In The Digital Age

- Robert Ackland
ISBN-10 1446283119 ISBN-13 9781446283110
50 Flashcards & Notes
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Hoorcollege 2

28 Flashcards & Notes
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Hoorcollege 3 Ism&n

22 Flashcards & Notes
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Hoorcollege 4

19 Flashcards & Notes
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Hoorcollege 5

17 Flashcards & Notes
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Does The Rise Of The Internet Bring Erosion Of Strong Ties? ...

16 Flashcards & Notes
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A 61-Million-Person Experiment In Social Influence And Political Mobilization

13 Flashcards & Notes
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The Benefits Of Facebook “Friends-” Social Capital And College Students’ Use Of Online...

9 Flashcards & Notes
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Artikelen Per Categorie

5 Flashcards & Notes
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. Is Linkedin Making You More Successful? ...

5 Flashcards & Notes
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Internet Skills And The Digital Divide. New Media & Society, 13(6), 893–911.

4 Flashcards & Notes
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Hoorcollege 1

3 Flashcards & Notes
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