Nudging | Benjamins | Universiteit Utrecht

- 2021 - 2022 - sociologie - bachelor - University - Utrecht
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Summaries and test questions belonging to Nudging, taught by Benjamins | Universiteit Utrecht

Summary Nudge Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness Book cover image

Nudge Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, And Happiness

- Richard H Thaler, et al
ISBN-10 014311526X ISBN-13 9780143115267
78 Flashcards & Notes
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Hoorcollege 3

19 Flashcards & Notes
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Hoorcolelge 4

18 Flashcards & Notes
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Hoorcolelge 2

16 Flashcards & Notes
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Heuristic Decision Making. Annual Review Of Psychology

16 Flashcards & Notes
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The Mythical Number Two. Trends In Cogntive Sciences, 22(4), 280-293

10 Flashcards & Notes
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Hoorcollege 1

10 Flashcards & Notes
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A Perspective On Judgment And Choice.

4 Flashcards & Notes
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Interaction Between Value And Perceptual Salience In Value- Driven Attentional Capture.

3 Flashcards & Notes
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Gorillas In Our Midst: Sustained Inattentional Blindness For Dynamic Events. Perception.

2 Flashcards & Notes
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