Innovation in Services | Biemans | University of Groningen (Groningen)

- 2015 - 2016 - Bedrijfskunde - master - University - Groningen
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Summaries and test questions belonging to Innovation in Services, taught by Biemans | University of Groningen (Groningen)

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Service Blueprinting: A Practical Technique For Service Innovation

119 Flashcards & Notes
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Project Team Communication In Financial Service Innovation

99 Flashcards & Notes
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Recovering And Learning From Service Failure

95 Flashcards & Notes
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Service Design For Experience-Centric Services

90 Flashcards & Notes
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The Service Delivery Network (Sdn): A Customer-Centric Perspective Of The Customer Journey

90 Flashcards & Notes
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Capabilities For Managing Service Innovation: Towards A Conceptual Framework

89 Flashcards & Notes
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An Empirically-Based Typology Of Product Innovativeness For New Financial Services: ...

85 Flashcards & Notes
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Success Factors In New Services Performance

77 Flashcards & Notes
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The Effects Of Customer Participation In Co-Created Service Recovery

70 Flashcards & Notes
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Organizing Successful New Service Development: A Literature Review

70 Flashcards & Notes
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The Four Service Marketing Myths

67 Flashcards & Notes
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Understanding Customer Experience

65 Flashcards & Notes
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Teaching An Old Service New Tricks

65 Flashcards & Notes
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Creating New Markets Through Service Innovation

62 Flashcards & Notes
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Breaking The Trade-Off Between Efficiency And Service

49 Flashcards & Notes
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R&d Comes To Services

49 Flashcards & Notes
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New Service Development: ...

49 Flashcards & Notes
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Removing The Fuzziness From The Fuzzy Front-End Of Service Innovations Through Customer Interactions

43 Flashcards & Notes
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Sectoral Heterogeneity In New Service Development: ...

41 Flashcards & Notes
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Four Ways To Reinvent Service Delivery

37 Flashcards & Notes
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