Eighteenth Century - Neoclassicism - Classical Music

5 important questions on Eighteenth Century - Neoclassicism - Classical Music

What characterizes Classical Music (of the 18th century)?

  • Clarity, balance and restraint.
  • More accessible and recognizable than the complex musical language of the Baroque.
    • More interest in music by the middle class.
    • rise of the public concert.
    • finally, musicians got the same recognition, painters already had in the Renaissance.
  • Development of the symphony.
  • Most famous composers:
    • Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809).
    • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791).
    • Ludwig van Beethoven (only his early career) (1770-1827).

Who was Franz Joseph Haydn?

  • Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) was an Austrian Classical Music composer.
  • Nicknamed "Papa Haydn" for developing the basic classic form of the sonata, the symphony, and the string quartet.
    • Also called the "Father of the Symphony".
  • His career marks to moment when musicians and composers finally attained the social status that painters, sculptors and architects had enjoyed since as early as the Renaissance.
  • Moved to England in 1791 where he became rich.
    • composed the famous "London" symphonies.
  • Best known for Symphony 94.

Who was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?

  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) is arguably the greatest of the Classical composers.
  • His music is typified by the wide range of feelings.
    • In part reason for his popularity.
  • Composed some of the most famous operas to date:
    • The Marriage of Figaro (1786).
    • Don Giovanni (1778).
    • The Magic Flute (1791).
  • His symphonies are still popular today.
    • Symphony no. 40 in G minor.
  • Never finished his final choral work Requim.
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During the Classical Music period of the 18th century, two types of operas were popular. Which one?

  • Opera Seria.
    • Historical or mythological storeis.
  • Opera Buffa.
    • Comic operas.

Who was Ludwig van Beethoven?

  • Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) was the composer who bridged the gap between Classical and Romantic music.
    • Got deaf, which led to an increasingly solitary life.
  • Beethoven's music can be divided in 3 periods:
    • Classical period (1770-1802).
    • Heroic period (1803-1814).
    • Romantic period (1815-27).
  • His Ninth Symphony , from the Romantic period, is regarded as the greatest symphony ever made.
  • Because of Beethoven, musician's attention shifted:
    • From the function of objective laws and rules of harmony.
    • To the expression of deeply personal and often introspective feelings.

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