Impressionism and Post-Impressionism - Impressionism - Painting

5 important questions on Impressionism and Post-Impressionism - Impressionism - Painting

What can you tell about Pierre-Auguste Renoir?

  • Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919) was a French Impressionist painter.
  • Painted about the joys of the middle class in the belle epoque.
    • Characters are handsome and pretty.
  • Painted outdoors.
  • Characters seem aware they're being watched (photographic effect).

Who was Berthe Morisot?

  • Berthe Morisot (1841-1895) was a French Impressionist painter.
  • The first women to exhibit at the first Impressionist exhibition.
  • Most daring of all Impressionist painters (looseness of brushwork, small rapid moves).

Who was Edgar Degas?

  • Edgar Degas (1834-1917) was a French Impressionist painter.
  • Impressionist because of his loose brushwork and the choice and treatment of his subject matter.
  • Influenced by Photography.
    • He painted, with unusual compositions, as if it were a snapshot.
  • He himself hated Impressionism, because it was connected with being "accidental" or "incomplete".
    • He worked calculatingly hard but aimed to appear unstudied.
  • Has been called linear Impressionist, was influenced by Ingres, who told him to do "lines and more lines".
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Who was Mary Cassatt?

  • Mary Cassatt (1844-1925) was an American Impressionist painter.
  • Close friend to Degas who would never have believed a women could paint that well.
  • Influenced by Japanese prints.
  • Uses typical Impressionist light effects.
  • Her art anticipates the art of the next century:
    • Choice to manipulate facts for art.

Who was James Abbott McNeill Whistler?

  • James Abbott McNeill Whistler (1834-1903) was an American Impressionist painter.
  • In contrast to other Impressionists, he never used broken color or light effects.
  • Believed in art for art's sake, not with other motives.
  • Paintings are first an arrangement and only secondary a portrait.
  • His work, like Cassatt's, foreshadows 20th century art.

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