Renaissance and Mannerism in Italy - Early Renaissance - Platonic Academy of Philosophy

4 important questions on Renaissance and Mannerism in Italy - Early Renaissance - Platonic Academy of Philosophy

Who was Marsilio Ficino?

  • Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499) was a director of the Platonic Academy of Philosophy.
  • He translated the works of classical philosophers Plato and Platinus, and wrote the Theologica Platonica (1482).

What can you tell about Theologica Platonica?

  • Written in 1482 by Marsilio Ficino.
  • Expanded on the Neoplatonic philosophy.
  • Beauty of things is Gods work, hence the study of beauty in nature was a form of divine worshipping.
  • Called the love of beauty "Platonic Love".

What can you tell about Pico della Mirandola?

  • Pico della Mirandola (1463-1494) worked at the Platonic Academy of Philosophy.
  • Best known for his work: Oration on the Dignity of Men (1486).
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What can you tell about the Oration on the Dignity of Men?

  • Published by Pico della Mirandola in 1486.
  • States Humankind serves a a link between lower orders (animals) and higher orders (angels).
  • Humans have free will, which means someones destiny is a matter of individual choice.

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