Post Impressionism - New Directions in Sculpture and Architecture - Art Nouveau

3 important questions on Post Impressionism - New Directions in Sculpture and Architecture - Art Nouveau

What do you know about the Art Nouveau movement?

  • Art Nouveau was a short-lived architectural style that began in Europe and was popular from the 1890s to the early 1900s.
  • Extended beyond architecture and included home furnishings, clothing, and typography.
  • Swirling and Sensuous forms are very characteristic of Art Nouveau.

Who was Victor Horta?

  • Victor Horta (1861-1847) was a Belgian architect in the Art Nouveau style.
  • Designed the home of Dr. Tassel in Brussels (built in 1893).
  • Every part of the house, including interior is in harmony.
  • Uses swirling and sensuous forms (typical Art Nouveau). 

Who was Antoní Gaudí

  • Antoní Gaudí (1852-1926) was a Spanish architect in the Art Nouveau style.
  • He was the architect of the Casa Milá in Barcelona, built in 1905-07.
  • Worked on his design at the building site, instead of a studio, which is to this day unusual for architects.
  • Favoured curving lines and asymmetry (typical Art Nouveau).
  • Although cut from stone, the Casa Milá looks like it was molded from soft clay.

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