Doing Social Research - Alternatives to Social Research - Personal Experience

5 important questions on Doing Social Research - Alternatives to Social Research - Personal Experience

How doe we gain knowledge through personal experience?

By things that happen to us, when we see or experience it,  we tend to accept it as true.

What are the disadvantages of personal experience?

  • An optical illusion or mirage can orrcur.
  • Overgeneralization
  • Selective observation
  • Premature closure
  • Halo effect

What is selective observation?

When we take special notice of some people or events and tend to seek out evidence that confirms what we already believe and ignore contradictory information.
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What is premature closure?

We feel we have the answer and do not need to listen, seek information, or raise questions any longer.

What is the halo effect?

When we overgeneralize from a highly positive or prestigious source and let its strong reputation or prestige ''rub off'' onto other areas.

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