Reviewing the Scholarly Literature and Planning a Study - Quantitative design issues - Causal theory and hypothesis

3 important questions on Reviewing the Scholarly Literature and Planning a Study - Quantitative design issues - Causal theory and hypothesis

What are 5 characteristics of causal hypothesis?

  1. It has at least two variables.
  2. It expresses a causal or cause-effect relationship between variables.
  3. It can be expressed as a prediction or an expected future outcome.
  4. It is logically linked to a research question and a theory.
  5. It is falsifiable; that is, it is capable of being tested against empirical evidence and shown to be true or false.

What are 2 ways to strengthen confidence in a hypothesis?

Repeating tests and testing the related causal linkages in the theory from which it comes.

What are 3 types of hypothesis?

  • Logic of disconfirming hypothesis: falsification is that we can never probe a hypothesis; however, we can disprove it. Negative evidence is more significant in building knowledge because it ''tarnishes'' or ''soils'' the hypothesis.
  • Null hypothesis: based on the logic of the disconfirming hypotheses.
  • Alternative hypothesis: says that a relationship exists.

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