Interventions: Instruments and Models for Influencing Behaviour - Determinants and intervention: five possible interventions - Effectiveness of the interventions

6 important questions on Interventions: Instruments and Models for Influencing Behaviour - Determinants and intervention: five possible interventions - Effectiveness of the interventions

What are the advantages/disadvantages of a physical intervention?

  • Very effective
  • Reliable
  • Legally secure
  • Cost-effectiveness can be high

  • High costs of enforcement
  • Provokes hard reactions
  • Have to be legalized
  • Target groups have to know they are available

What are the advantages and disadvantages of legal interventions?

  • Reliable
  • Legally secure

  • Permits can be neglected or evaded
  • Costly enforcing organisation
  • Agressive reactions
  • Prohibition of satisfaction of needs leads to illegal practices
  • Waterbed effect: prohibited practice moves to another quarter or region
  • Inflexibility: long procedures to change laws

When are financial interventions less effective?

When the money goes to citizens that would out of themselves already have behaved in the desired way (gift effect)
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Why did raising taxes on cigarettes, alcohol hardly changed the demand?

Consequence of low elasticity of the price of these products, caused by a high dependency of smokers and drinkers of their habits

What are the 4 types of communication?

  • One sided (public to citizen)
  • More-sided (implementer-target group with possible feedback)
  • Informational (transmission of knowledge)
  • Persuasive (aimed to change behaviour/attitude)

When is persuasive communication most effective?

  • More-sided
  • Redundant (repetitive along more channels at the same time)

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