Evaluation of Policy Alternatives - MCCBA and its stages

10 important questions on Evaluation of Policy Alternatives - MCCBA and its stages

What is the central focus of the MCCBA?

Supporting decision-making by
  • Measuring at different scales
  • Finding a consensus-based aggregation of different impacts

What are the 4 blocks of the MCCBA?

  • Basic evaluation structure (identify function, alternatives, scale, stakeholders, organize judgement criteria)
  • Fact-finding on physical impacts
  • Aggregation of impacts to a compact format (monetary or not)
  • Communication of problem understanding

Why is block II, fact-finding, really important?

The quality of the evaluation depends heavily on the particular facts of the case
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How are decision-makers and stakeholders in stage III, aggregation of impacts to a compact format, involved?

They are consulted about which impacts can be well translated into monetary terms, and which not

How are monetary values determined?

  • Market-related valuation
  • Willingness to pay
  • Willingness to accept monetary values

What is the challenge of the MCCBA approach?

  • Reduce the number of criteria to a minimum
  • Use consensus-based judgement criteria and measures

How is the number of criteria reduced in the MCCBA?

  • Incorporate causality
  • Avoid double counting
  • Avoid use of intermediate indicators
  • Capture most important criterion
  • Ignore criteria with low weight, or unclear, small impacts

In which way is consensus among stakeholders reached?

By combining and clustering several sub-criteria

How can a ratio-analysis gain strength?

By comparisons across different projects. Standardization of measurement in project evaluation is required

What are tools for sharing the increased problem understanding?

  • Sensitivity analysis (important for accountability)
  • Reconsideration of the project alternatives (needs explicit communication of problem understanding)

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