Implementation and Delivery - A Model of Implementation Fidelity

7 important questions on Implementation and Delivery - A Model of Implementation Fidelity

How can policy goals be attained?

  • Bringing change in the behaviour of citizens
  • Bringing change in the conditions of the behaviour

How are output produced?

  • Implementers performing actions (speed controls)
  • Citizens comply (adjust their speed)
  • Conditions of behaviour change (a road is reconstructed

What is an implementation strategy?

A strategy wherein the policy owner included the to be taken steps and the to be achieved outputs in order to come up with the desired outcomes
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What are the two implementation models?

  • Top-down model
  • Bottom-up model

What is the critisism on the top-down approach?

Often knowledge and consensus are missing at the central level

What are the reasons for the bounded rationality in the top-down approach?

  • The full effect of instruments is unknown
  • Policy has to be elaborated and operationalized during implementation
  • Many stakeholders are involved
  • Further bargaining unavoidable
  • Citizens have to be convinved that compliance is good for them
  • Implementers have to apply abstract, general laws to multiple specific cases
  • Discretion is necessary
  • Conformity often cannot be imposed and will seldom be complete

What is the lack of implementation fidelity?

A lack of conformity to or to the implementation strategy, designed as part of the policy

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