The Policy Cycle - Theories of Policy-Making - Arena model

6 important questions on The Policy Cycle - Theories of Policy-Making - Arena model

What are the characteristics of the arena model?

  • Arena (organisational position)
  • Players (with own perception, beliefs, power)
  • Moves (to getting a decision and policy that suits the interests of the player)

Why are players motivated?

  • Motivated in the direction of their goals
  • To increase power to keep winning

Why do players want to win (getting a decision and policy that suits the interests)?

  • Satisfaction
  • Holding their position (with rights and privileges)
  • Higher grades + faster learning
  • Never study anything twice
  • 100% sure, 100% understanding
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What is the stake of the player?

That which a player is able and ready to offer in exchange for profit

What is the stand of a player?

The idea of a player about the preferable direction of a decision

Which factors determine the stands in the game?

  • Parochial perception
  • Stakes
  • Power base

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