Policy Problems and Policy Theory

4 important questions on Policy Problems and Policy Theory

What is done in a policy analysis?

  • Assembling of policy-relevant information
  • Applying that information to the solution of public policy problems

What is a policy theory?

  • A set of values and norms
  • Assumptions about facts
  • Causes and effects of problems
  • The contribution of means to goals

What factors in policy can differ in precision (degree of specification)?

  • Responsible actors (specified?)
  • Target group (for them is the policy)
  • Moment in time, term, priority (when, how long, in what order action has to take place)
  • Standard and norms
  • Quantity (has the necessary amount of resources or the scope of goals been quantitatively specified?)
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What are the 2 types of contingency?

  • Actor-contingency: the goal is impossible to attain autonomously
  • Factor-contingency: the goal is only applicable in the case a certain event takes place

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