The Political and Legal Nature of Public Policy - The Legal Nature of The Policy Cycle - Democratic constitutional monarchy

10 important questions on The Political and Legal Nature of Public Policy - The Legal Nature of The Policy Cycle - Democratic constitutional monarchy

What does the constitution lists?

The basic civil and social right of the Dutch citizens and describing the position and function of the institutions that have executive, legislative and judiciary power

What is defined by the duty of care of the administration?

All the social rights. Examples:
  • Education
  • Housing
  • Work
  • Legal assistance

Who has the legaslative power (the authority to make laws) in the Netherlands?

  • Government (Cabinet and King)
  • States General (parliament)

representing the whole dutch population
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Describe the legislative procedure of the enactment of formal laws

  • Initiative for laws from cabinet or parliament (tweede kamer)
  • Bill has to pass the Council of State for advice
  • Bill has to be discussed in the Parliament
  • Bill is adapted or can become a law

Who has the executive power (execution of the law)?

The Cabinet

Who have administrative power (the authority to apply the law to citizens)?

Civil service, directed by ministers

For what kind of affairs are Provinces responsible?

  • Physical planning
  • Health care
  • Recreation

Who have the provincial legislative power?

  • Commussioner of the King
  • Deputized States
  • States-Provincial
  • Provincial parliament

representing the inhabitants of the province

In which policy domains are municipalities involved?

  • Physical planning
  • Education
  • Social security
  • Welfare
  • Health care

Who have legislative power in the municipality?

  • College of Mayor and Aldermen (College van B&W)
  • Municipal council (Gemeenteraad)

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