Policy Analysis: An Introduction - What is policy analysis, what is public policy advice?

5 important questions on Policy Analysis: An Introduction - What is policy analysis, what is public policy advice?

What are the multidisciplinary dimensions of policy analysis?

  • Physical (biological, ecological, medical)
  • Sociological
  • Social-psychological
  • Economic
  • Legal
  • Political

What is the aim of research in policy-analysis?

Creating policy-relevant information

Why is the creating of policy-relevant information not a simple task?

Policy problems are
  • Dynamic (changing over time with new knowledge, changing values)
  • Connected (to other problems)
  • Contingent (depending on changes in the surrounding reality)
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What is done with the complex information?

  • Information is created (by doing scientific research)
  • Information is critically assessed (before: will the solution work, after: did the solution work?)
  • Information is communicated to actors

Why do all scientist fulfill a public function?

  • Their insights will have effects on human beings
  • Science is used in the political debate (to solve problems in society)
  • Initiate organizing discussion and promote public policies
  • Create scientific innovations
  • Signalling life-threatening trends
  • Deliver insight for the sake of a political argument (scientific report/advice)

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