Summary: Planning And Scheduling
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Read the summary and the most important questions on Planning and Scheduling
1 General concepts
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What does effectiveness mean for customers, staff and company owners?
Customer: quality of product, quality of service;
staff: quality of labour;
Company owners: market position, business resilience; -
Give the definition of efficiency vs. Effectiveness, make it visual in a graph
Without effectiveness a company will not survive without efficiency it may survive. -
What is the departure point or efficiency and effectiveness?
The value proposition (compare Jumbo with Aldi); -
What is the aim of planning & scheduling?
Aims to organize that the value proposition is reachedefficiently andfeasibly given the companies capabilities. -
What [2] things do planning & scheduling adress?
- The organization of renewable resources (Supply);
- All hierarchical levels of control;
On what [2] things are planning & scheduling based?
- Customer demand (forecasts);
- Technological/engineered process plann (how to manufacture);
Planning & Scheduling is a trade-off between?
Managing variability and managing complexity. -
What is the definition of Push planning?
Pushes production based on forecasts.
2.1 Evolution MPC
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What is the industries evolution shortly explain
Industry 1.0 mechanization, steam power and weaving loom;
Industry 2.0 mass production, assembly line, electrical energy;
Industry 3.0 Automation, computers and electronics;
Industry 4.0 Cyber-physical systems, IoT, networks; -
What is the evolution of MPC in practise?
- Hardware automation
- Design and process planning (CAD, CAPP, rapid prototyping)
- Manufacturing planning and control systems
- Higher grades + faster learning
- Never study anything twice
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Topics related to Summary: Planning And Scheduling
MPC - Lead time syndrom
MPC - Pull systems: JIT/Kanban
MPC - Workload Control
MPC reference architecture framework - Managerial areas
MPC reference architecture framework - Applications
MPC reference architecture framework - RCCP/Resource loading
Convolution model - Model: Ward workload as function of the MSS
Graham notation - Operating classification scheme
Tactical planning
Variability management
Planning decisions in healthcare - Cayirli
Planning decisions in healthcare - Ahmadi
Planning decisions in healthcare - Kortbeek