Memory: varieties and mechanisms - Dissociating memory systems - Working memory versus declarative memory

5 important questions on Memory: varieties and mechanisms - Dissociating memory systems - Working memory versus declarative memory

What two types of amnesia are defined

Antegrade amnesia: memories acquired after the damage
Retrograde amnesia: memories before the damage occurs

Amnesia often arises from damage where?

Bilateral damage to the medial temporal memory unilateral damage --> mild memory deficits

When can the retrograde amnesia extend several decades back?

When the medial temporal lobe is extensive
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Patients with amnesia can maintain a normal conversation what does this imply?

That working memory is spared, since conversing requires remembering what was said during the last few seconds.

Where is the lesion if someone is impaired in working memory (but not in declarative memory)

Left temporoparietal cortex

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