Cellular components of the nervous system - measuring neural activity during cognitive processing - direct electrophysiological recording from neurons

5 important questions on Cellular components of the nervous system - measuring neural activity during cognitive processing - direct electrophysiological recording from neurons

What is the most modern way of measuring neural activity by using electrophysiological recording?

Single-neuron electrical recording

What can a recording apparatus do

This device allows the electrode to be adjusted in position to record from different parts and depths of the brain

Explain the recording of persistimulus time histogram (PSTH)

A stimulus is presented multiple times. It summens the number of action potentials across trials.
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Explain the recording of neuronal tuning curves

The frequency and strength is recorded. This than shows the selective sensitivity of the neuron

What is it called if we evaluate the responsiveness of a set of neurons in a given area?

Multielectrode recording arrays

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