Attention and its effects on stimulus processing - Neural effects of attention on stimulus processing; auditory spatial attention

6 important questions on Attention and its effects on stimulus processing - Neural effects of attention on stimulus processing; auditory spatial attention

What is something we have learned in animals auditory studies with animals

Single unit response in the auditory cortex as early as 30 ms after stimulus onset.

When you are passivly viewing bilateral stimuli and are attending to the left side of the stimuli where should you see increased activity?

The right occipital cortex

Where are the upper visual fields located

In the ventral contralateral occipital cortex inferior to the calcarine sulcus
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Which robust effect was found in most early neuroimaging studies

Processing in relatively low-level extra striate visual cortical areas (V2, V3, V4) but not primary visual cortex

Neuroimaging studies reported effects of visual spatial attention on stimulus processing at even lower anatomical levels of the visual system which brain areas?

The lateral geniculate nucleus
the main thalamic relay station in the primary visual pathway from retina to visual cortex

What is meant by the terms biased competition

When you look/hear at two things at the same time. Then one will be attended to and another will not

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