Persenal selling and sales promotion - Sales Promotion

6 important questions on Persenal selling and sales promotion - Sales Promotion

What is sales promotion?

It is a way of boosting the need to make instant purchases at the moment of the promotion.

Name 3 types that sales promotions are directed to?

1. Final customers (consumer promotion)
2. Wholesalers (trade promotion)
3. Business customers (business promotion)

Explain consumer promotion? And name 6 examples?

Used to increase the short-term sales by increasing the involvement of the customers,
1. Refunds
2. Premiums
3. Samples
4. Coupons
5. Point of purchase displays to contests
6. Event sponsorship
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Explain trade promotion? And name 8 examples?

Used to carry a brand or push the product to the consumers.
1. Contests
2. Premium
3. Displays
4. Discounts on certain products
5. Allowances for return's agreements
6. Advertising allowances
7. Free goods
8. Specialty advertising items

Explain business promotion? And name 2 examples?

Essential to stimulate purchase, reward customers, motivate salespeople. Business promotions use some of the same tools as conumer and trade promotions, but also extra:
1. Conventions
2. Sales contests

Name 4 aspects/decisions of the sales promotion program?

1. Size of the incentive
2. Conditions of participations
3. How to promote and distribute the promotion package
4. Length of the promotion

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