High Renaissance in Northern Europe - Painting and Printmaking - Albrecht Dürer

7 important questions on High Renaissance in Northern Europe - Painting and Printmaking - Albrecht Dürer

Which artist do we refer to as being athe artist in the north that embodies ideals of the Renaissance and the spirit of discovery that defines it.

Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528).

Who can be seen as the Italian counterpart of Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) and why?

Leonardo da Vinci. Both fascinated by nature and theories of measurement and proportion.

Dürer (1471-1528) had a humanistic and individualistic view that he shared with Michelangelo and other Renaissance artists.
Which view is that?

He believed that he was endowed with a God-given gift, as being a very talented artist.
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Dürer (1471-1528) had a lot of talents.
From what art does he derive most of his fame?

Making prints in woodcuts and engravings.

Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) relied on Vitruvius's scheme of human proportions.
Later he published a book about this himself.
When did he do this and how is the book called.

In 1525 he published 'The Teaching of Measurements with Rule and Compass (Manual of Measurements)'.

Why did Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) mostly paint and print religious subjects in his early career?

In 1519 he became a follower of Martin Luther.

Who were the biggest source for inspiration of Albrecht Dürer (1571 - 1528)?

His Italian contemporaries.

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