Renaissance in Northern Europe - High Renaissance in Northern Europe - Painting and Printmaking

3 important questions on Renaissance in Northern Europe - High Renaissance in Northern Europe - Painting and Printmaking

What impact did the Reformation have on the arts in Northern Europe?

  • Iconoclasm and condemnation of worshipping Saints and Mary.
    • religious art saved by placing it in private collections.
  • Emergence of alternative topics.
    • Portraits.
    • Landscapes & Seascapes.
    • Still lifes.
    • Genre painting.

Who was Caterina van Hemessen and when did she live?

Caterina van Hemessen (1527/8-1566) was one of the most important women painters of the Renaissance in northern Europe.

What is the typical style of Caterina van Hemessen?

Small-scale depictions of a single figure standing against a dark monochromatic background.

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